Regulations: the number of the pension regulation (not applicable for the covers Waiver of premiums, Disability annuity, Hospitalisation)
Cost centre: the number of the premium statement (if you want to see the detail per plan participant, you need to look at the relevant premium statement)
- Life-Death: this cost centre includes the life and/or death cover
- Hospitalisation: this cost centre includes the Hospicare and/or Ambucare and/or Dental care cover
- Waiver of premiums: this cost centre includes the Waiver of Premiums cover
- Disability: this cost centre includes the Disability annuity cover
Nature of the process:
- Single Premium
- Single Premium Annulment: cancellation of single premium
- Periodic Premium
- Periodic Premium Annulment
- Updated underfunding: this is shown only if there are deficits. For more info, please refer to this page
- Disability deductible: reimbursement of life/death premiums for those who are unable to work (if the premium waiver guarantee was subscribed). You can find these amounts on the Income Care premium statements.
- Transfer: (partial) payment through the fund