The AG Hackathon: the road to preventive healthcare

Here's Head of IS Employee Benefits Sabine Dury with a full recap of the AG Hackathon on preventive healthcare.

What being CIO of the Year is like

Join our Chief Information & Technology Officer Philippe Van Belle as he looks back on his tenure as CIO of the Year, and analyses how it affected him and AG.

From hard deadline to opportunity: AG's replatforming journey

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When life gives you lemons, replatform your entire infrastructure. We did just that when our banking partner could no longer host us on their mainframe. Our CTO José Fortemps reveals why and how we executed this historic replatforming project. 

Leading innovation and transformation: meet our IT department

"AG is both an insurance and an IT company," according to our CEO Heidi Delobelle. And she's absolutely right. As the driving force behind every operational process and digital service, our IT team initiates and leverages technological transformations, enabling AG Insurance to tackle the challenges of this complex world and remain a supporter of our clients' lives.

Why and how we're turning AG into a data-driven company


As our clients and partners have become more digitally proficient we must leverage data to offer personalised digital products and streamline operations. Unfortunately our on-premises data platform couldn't handle the vast amounts of structured and unstructured data, we opted to transition to a cloud-based environment. Here's our Head of Data Management Patrick Sergysels' case study of this transformation.
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How AG built and migrated to a new data platform

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Discover how our Head of Data Management Patrick Sergysels and his team  moved our data environment from an on-premises platform to the cloud.

Preparing the future: building a composable IT with containers

Discover how AG Insurance transformed its IT architecture with containers to meet the growing demand for personalised digital services. We'll delve into the innovative solutions that enable us to build applications faster and more efficiently and meet our customers' expectations. Here's how our Head of IT Architecture Dries Verbiest and his team modernised our architecture with containers.

What we learned about IT leadership during the replatforming

When discussing IT shifts, we tend to focus on the technological side of things, often overlooking leadership and vision. Our most recent IT revolution shows that these elements are just as critical as coding and engineering. Let's delve into the lessons we learned about IT leadership during our replatforming journey. Discover our CITO Philippe Van Belle's leadership strategies