About IT at AG


Discover how we our IT team makes AG the  most fanatic supporter of our clients' lives.








"AG is both an insurance and an IT company," according to our CEO Heidi Delobelle. And she's absolutely right. As the driving force behind every operational process and digital service, our IT team performs and leverages technological transformations, enabling AG Insurance to tackle the challenges of this complex world and remain a supporter of our clients' lives.

This is who we are

Imagine a melting pot of 1,000 sharp minds, digital daredevils, and dedicated teammates. United in learning, experimenting, failing, and growing, embracing these as essential to innovation. From system analysts and developers to cybersecurity experts - we are the architects of AG's commitment to offering nothing less than excellence to our clients.

"How?" you wonder. By developing about 700 homemade applications, facilitating 17 million daily transactions and, more importantly, executing historic technological feats. Our team migrated our entire infrastructure from a mainframe to a series of Windows SQL servers in just four days. This enables us to gradually modernise our Cobol applications with modern technologies and integrate them with the cloud.

And how about our new data platform? We developed a new cloud-based data platform, to which we are methodically moving our entire analytical household. This empowers us to store, process, and utilise massive volumes of structured and unstructured data for operational purposes.

A helping culture

A team capable of this oozes technological expertise and togetherness. Our IT team excels by genuinely collaborating and eagerly helping each other. And these happen to be our core values.

"The world is too complex to go at it alone," our CITO Philippe Van Belle often repeats. This is especially true in our industry. Only by pooling our resources, sharing knowledge, giving voice to diverse perspectives, and helping each other can we innovate with impact and be life's champion.

By sharing our experiences in concrete projects with you, we hope to provide new insights, inspire you to innovate, and share our values. Ultimately, we all become better for it.