Submit your medical expenses

Or open the MyAG Employee Benefits app on your smartphone.

Don't have access to MyAG Employee Benefits yet?


Register in a flash with your contract number!

For my hospitalisation insurance, I have:

Do you have hospitalisation insurance through your employer?

Register via MyAG Employee Benefits:

Log in via MyAG Employee Benefits:


Download the MyAG Employee Benefits app

Reimbursement of medical expenses


You can then use the online form to claim back your medical expenses.

Request a refund for medical expenses


You do not need to fill out a paper form if you send in your medical expenses online.

Your healthcare forms

Already received an invitation to register on MyAG Employee Benefits?


If this is the case, register right away and send in your medical expenses.

Yes, I have received an invitation.

We'll walk you trough the regsitration process:

Download the MyAG Employee Benefits app

No, I have not received an invitation.


You can then use the online form to claim back your medical expenses.

Request a refund for medical expenses


You do not need to fill out a paper form if you send in your medical expenses online.

Your healthcare forms

Have you taken out hospitalisation insurance yourself?


Submit your medical expenses via the My AG website.

You have not taken out hospitalisation insurance yourself?

Submit your medical expenses via the online form.

Did you know that the policyholder can submit their medical expenses via the My AG website?

I know my contract number


Send in your medical expenses via the Medi-Assistance website.

Report my admission online

I don't know my contract number


Claim back your medical expenses via the online form.

Go to the online form

Where do I find my client reference?

On my premium notice

Request a refund for medical expenses


You do not need to fill out a paper form if you send in your medical expenses online.

Your healthcare forms


Frequently asked questions

Need help?

Feel free to contact us with all your questions about the refund of your expenses.