Wondering if your hospitalisation insurance will cover you if you get sick or have an accident while outside Belgium? And whether you need a Certificate of Insurance? We'll fill you in on all the details.
Have a group hospital plan with AG that includes "Assistance while travelling abroad"? Then you can rest easy knowing that you and your staff members will be well protected.
Before you go: leave enough time to request your Certificate of Insurance
Be sure to request a Certificate of Insurance in advance. More and more countries require this Certificate as proof that you're covered for medical expenses abroad and repatriation back to Belgium. More information about this Certificate is available on our hospitalisation website.
You can apply for your Certificate of Insurance certificate directly on our assistance provider's website. Your information will be processed automatically and your Certificate will be e-mailed to you within 24 hours.
This information is also important for your staff members to keep in mind.
Worldwide coverage
When faced with a hospital stay in a foreign country, the language barrier and cultural differences can add layers of complexity to an already challenging situation. All the more reason for you, your staff (and any family members) to be aware from the get-go that you’re well protected. An overview!
Your AG hospital plan provides worldwide coverage for unplanned emergency hospital admissions and even – subject to prior approval from the Sickness Fund – for scheduled inpatient stays as well.
- all medical expenses (doctors’ fees, room and board, medication), even in a single-occupancy room
- If you also opted for assistance abroad:
- emergency transportation to the hospital
- urgent medical assistance
- repatriation to Belgium, if necessary
- search and rescue efforts (for example, after an accident or a natural disaster, capped at a maximum of EUR 5,000)
- room and board for a family member to come visit the patient during his/her inpatient stay in a foreign country
- etc.
- emergency transportation to the hospital
Want to find out more about the applicable covers if admitted to a hospital in a foreign country? Download the flyer.
Third-party payer system: no need to pay a cent out of pocket
Most of the insured parties are entitled to third-party payer arrangements, even while travelling abroad.
In other words, you will never have to pay a cent out of pocket at any time during the stay in a foreign hospital. All bills will immediately be sent to AG and settled with the hospital directly.
In addition, an AG hospital plan also covers the cost of medical treatment in Belgium directly related to the inpatient stay abroad for up to three months post-discharge.
What steps should be taken once admitted to the hospital?
All hospital admissions in a foreign country must be reported to AG and the Sickness Fund as soon as possible. This can be done by the patients themselves, but also by one of their family members or by you as their employer.
- Contact Touring, the AG assistance services provider as soon as practicable
Call +32 (0)2 664 01 70 (24/7 hotline)
- Notify the Sickness Fund
From this point on, the AG hospital plan will take care of everything, from handling the administrative details to issuing a refund for expenses incurred.
You and your staff members will find out everything you need to know about our comprehensive service abroad on My Global Benefits or at ag.be/hospi. We hope that we all get to satisfy our travel bug this summer!
Have questions about coverage abroad? Want to top up your current hospital plan by adding Assistance abroad? Contact us via the green button.