
supporter de votre vie

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Being a supporter of life for our customers also means selecting high quality vendors

The Board of Ageas has decided to reassess its external audit arrangements for the year ending December 31, 2027, and the subsequent two years. AG Insurance being part of the starting selection project scope, interested candidates are expected to bid for a group audit mandate and for the scoped entities (including AG Insurance) mandates. The respective Audit Committees will oversee the selection process for this mandate, with the final decision resting with the AG Insurance Board for its scope. Interested firms should submit a written proposal outlining their capabilities, key service elements, team composition, and commercial terms by December 31, 2024.

If your firm would like to participate in this selection process, please confirm your intention to bid by 30th September 2024 by e-mail to using the following project reference: ‘CT24-08120220 External Audit Services’. The Central Purchase Organisation will then get back to you with further requirements and information.”


AG keeps up with the latest market developments and is open to hearing from all potential vendors who wish to present their services and participate in our selection process.

Interested in becoming a vendor for AG? 

In this section, you will find more information about our Central Purchasing Organisation (CPO) and its procedures.

The activities covered by the CPO can be divided into two main areas, General Purchasing and Externis.

General Purchasing (a.k.a. CPO activities at AG)

CPO activities cover the acquisition of IT products and services (such as software, hardware and digital transformation) as well as non-IT products and services (such as consultancy, marketing, human resources, facility and market data).

To select the right vendors, AG regularly issues RFIs (Request for Information) and RFPs (Request for Proposal).


An RFI (Request for Information) is a way to collect information from vendors about their products and/or services. The objective is to get background information that will help the future contract owner and the purchaser draft a clear and thorough RFP.

This step provides us with detailed information about a vendor’s ability to meet the company’s needs and is important when selecting vendors to participate in the RFP.


An RFP (Request for Proposal) is a document that outlines the requirements for specific products or services. It is used to solicit bids from qualified vendors and identify which vendor might be the best qualified to deliver the products or services.

Once the selection process has been completed, the next stage for AG is to start contract negotiations. 


AG has its own contract templates (for example, for software, hardware and general services). The relevant template will be appended to the RFP whenever possible.

Contact - CPO

Interested in becoming a vendor for AG?

Think your product or service could be a good fit for us?

Submit your company presentation by e-mail to the AG - CPO team.

Our team will review it and get back to you if your services match our needs


Externis is our selection team responsible for managing AG’s recruitment of external staff.

Externis identifies suitable profiles based on the needs of our internal customers. We are regularly on the lookout for a wide range of profiles, from IT specialists (architects, developers, etc.) to business-specific profiles (account managers, project managers, etc.)


Interested in joining us as an independent consultant, or in providing specific profiles that you feel would be a good fit?

You first need to become one of our qualified vendors, by agreeing to our “standard contract”.


Once you are approved as a qualified vendor, you will receive a list of jobs open to external consultants on a weekly basis.

Externis applies the following four steps in managing the process with its qualified vendors:


  1. AG will e-mail a list of all jobs open to qualified external vendors/applicants
  2. CVs are sent to Externis ( who will then serve as the middleman between prospective vendors/applicants and and the hiring manager
  3. Interviews will be scheduled with the shortlisted candidate(s)
  4. A pre-agreed contract will be signed


Important remarks:

  • Interviews are strictly for candidates only. The account manager will not be allowed to attend.
  • Externis will be the sole point of contact for the vendor throughout the entire process of hiring for the interim position, from sending the CV to negotiating the contract/rate


Questions about Externis?

Interested in receiving our "standard contract"?

Our Team

portrait photo
Jean-François  Neerdael

Head of

Central Purchase Organisation

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Eddy  Huygens
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Jérémy  Dawidowicz

External Consultant

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Michèle  Vanhandenhoven
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Sarah  Zine